How to Contribute

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our impact-based flood forecasting system! Your contributions help improve the accuracy and effectiveness of our forecasts, ultimately helping communities better prepare for and respond to flooding events.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the cos-it-flows repository to your GitHub account.

  2. Clone the Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  3. Set Up Your Environment: Follow the setup instructions in the repository's README file to set up your development environment.

  4. Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your work. Use a descriptive name that reflects the nature of your contribution.

    git checkout -b my-feature
  5. Make Changes: Make your desired changes to the codebase. Ensure that your changes adhere to the project's coding standards and guidelines.

  6. Test Your Changes: Test your changes thoroughly to ensure they work as intended and do not introduce any new issues.

  7. Commit Your Changes: Once you are satisfied with your changes, commit them to your branch.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add my feature"
  8. Push Your Changes: Push your changes to your forked repository.

    git push origin my-feature
  9. Create a Pull Request (PR) : Go to the original repository and create a pull request from your forked repository. Provide a clear description of your changes and why they are beneficial.

  10. Participate in Code Review: Participate in the code review process by addressing any feedback or suggestions provided by reviewers.

  11. Merge Your Pull Request: Once your pull request has been approved by admin, it will be merged into the main branch of the original repository.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Follow the project's coding standards and guidelines.
  • Ensure your changes are well-documented and easy to understand.
  • Respect the opinions and contributions of others.
  • Be open to feedback and constructive criticism.
  • Contribute to discussions and decision-making processes within the community.

Code of Conduct

Please review and adhere to our Code of Conduct when participating in our community.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at